Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Spaghetti for fine motor and motor control

Dry spaghetti noodles stuck in Styrofoam was a fun activity today to improve fine motor control, pincer grasp, as well as proprioception.

First, stick noodles in Styrofoam. These show beads on noodles. I used the very small fun fusion beads plus beads made from cut up straws.
Next, I asked children to sort and put 5 beads of each color on noodles.
Kids had to be careful and grade their force when putting on noodles or else they would break!

Next, I asked them to take off  the beads one at a time with tongs. To make it more difficult, you could put them on or off in a pattern of the therapist's choice.
 Taking the beads off the long noodles were the most challenging, as the kids had to squeeze the tongs longer but also had to not bend /snap the noodle.

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